Friday, February 18, 2022

Teen Titans: Beast Boy

Today’s post is on Teen Titans: Beast Boy by Kami Garcia and  Gabriel Picolo (Illustrator). It is 208 pages long and is published by DC Ink. The cover has Gar on it starting to transform. The intended reader is someone who likes DC Comics and their characters. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this graphic novel. The story is told from third person close of Gar. There Be Spoilers Ahead. 

From the back of the book- Garfield Logan has spent his entire life being overlooked. Even in a small town like Eden, Georgia, the 17-year-old with green streaks in his hair can’t find a way to stand out–and the clock is ticking. Senior year is almost over. If Gar doesn’t find a way to impress the Chosen Ones–the social elite at Bull Creek High School–he will never know what it’s like to matter. Gar’s best friends, Stella and Tank, don’t understand why he cares what other people think. They miss their funny, pizza-loving, video game-obsessed best friend. Then Gar accepts a wild dare out of the blue. It impresses the Chosen Ones and his social status soars. But other things are changing, too. Gar grows six inches overnight. His voice drops and, suddenly, he’s stronger and faster. He’s finally getting everything he wanted, but his newfound popularity comes at a price. Gar has to work harder to impress his new friends. The dares keep getting bigger and the stakes keep getting higher. When Gar realizes the extent of his physical changes, he has to dig deep and face the truth about himself–and the people who truly matter–before his life spirals out of control.

Review- Another good introduction to a DC character. Garfield Logan is feeling stuck in his life. He is short, he can’t get any muscle, and all the girls ignore him. So one day he does any research on these pills his parents give him and learns that all his problems could be known side effects. When he stops taking them, Gar changes in ways more than one. I really had a good time with Gar, he is likable, I get where he is coming from, and I am interested in where he is going. I like that the stories of the other novels are starting to intertwine now and I want to know what is really going on. I look forward to the next one. 

I give this graphic novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this graphic novel from my local library. 


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