Monday, February 14, 2022

Perfect World, Vol. 2

Today’s post is on Perfect World, Vol. 2 by Rie Aruga. It is 176 pages long and is published by Kodansha Comics. The cover has the two main characters on it, Tsugumi and Itsuki. As it is the second volume in the series, you need to have read the first volume to understand the story. There is no foul language, no sex, and no violence in this series. The intended reader is someone who is interested in complicated emotional love stories. The story is told from third person close of Tsugumi with Itsuki for added plot. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- A ROCKY ROAD

After reuniting at a work party, Tsugumi begins dating her high school classmate and first crush, Itsuki, who has since sustained a spinal cord injury and now uses a wheelchair. While at first reluctant to let someone into his heart, Itsuki begins to open up to her. Tsugumi realizes that there's still so much to Itsuki that she has yet to learn, but the deeper their love grows, the tougher the realities they face become. Pitted against Tsugumi's disapproving parents, as well as Nagasawa, Itsuki's caregiver and admirer, and Koreda, Tsugumi's old classmate who wants to be something more, Tsugumi soon finds herself struggling in a relationship that the whole world seems to be against...

Review- Tsugumi and Itsuki have a hard road ahead of them. They have people on both sides telling them to break up for their own personal reasons, like her parents because they want her to have children and people who want  them for themselves. But they are trying to be honest with each other and care for each other. Of course there will be drama like Tsugumi pushing herself too hard and making herself ill and Itsuki blaming himself for not being able to help her. But in general I like where this manga is going and how honest it is about having a relationship when you have disabilities. I look forward to reading more. 

I give this volume a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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