Friday, February 19, 2021

Wild, Wild Rake


Today’s post is on Wild, Wild Rake by Janna MacGregor. It is 350 and is published by St. Martin’s. The cover is purple with the main couple wrapped in an embrace. The intended reader is someone who likes historical romances. There in very mild foul language, sex and sexuality, and mild violence in this novel. The story is told from third person close of the two main characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Her first marriage was an epic failure.

Lady Avalon Warwyck never did love her husband. Arrogant, selfish, and cruel, it’s a blessing when she’s widowed and left to raise her son all by herself. Finally, Avalon can live freely and do the work she loves: helping fallen women become businesswomen. She’s lived these past ten years with no desire to remarry―that is, until Mr. Devan Farris comes to town.

Can he convince her to take another chance at happily ever after?

Devan Farris―charming vicar, reputed rake, and the brother of Avalon’s son’s guardian―is reluctantly sent to town to keep tabs on Avalon and her son. Devan wishes he didn’t have to meddle in her affairs; he’s not one to trod on a woman’s independent nature and keen sense of convictions. But she’ll have nothing to do with vicar with a wild reputation―even though he’s never given his heart and body to another. If only he could find a way to show Avalon who he really is on the inside―a good, true soul looking for its other half. But how can he prove that he wants to love and care for her. . .until death do they part?

Review- Charming historical romance with two independent and engaging  main leads. Avalon's first marriage was absolutely terrible, she was terribly mistreated by her husband, and now devotes her life to women who have been forced into prostitution and now are trying to work their way back into respectable society. Devan is a man who is looking for his other half but because of his family he has been on guard for fortune hunters or the like. So he has carefully crafted a reputation as a rake to turn away those who would only look at him as a potential for a title or money. The two start out on rocky ground as Avalon was married to one of his friends and Devan did not understand why they were married until later and their relationship. But as the characters learn to see past their own personal prejudice and to really get to know each other they fall in love. It was a very sweet love story about two characters that deserve to be happy and they are willing to grow and change to embrace a better future than what they have now. If you enjoy the historical romance novels, I would give this one a try, I had a really good time reading it.

I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrow a book from my local library. 

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