Friday, June 7, 2019

Bloodborne volume 5


Today’s post is on Bloodborne volume 5 by by Ales Kot, illustrated by Piotr Kowalski, Brad Simpson. It is 32 pages long and published by Titan Comics. The cover has a hunter turning into a beast on it. The intended reader is a fan of the games and wants more information about the world. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this volume. The story is told from third person close of monk. There Be Spoilers Ahead.
From the back of the book- The city of Yharnam: an ancient, gothic metropolis and home to the Healing Church. Founded by Laurence, the first vicar, the church has become renowned for its miraculous blood-based curatives, attracting the sick and afflicted to Yharnham from far and wide. However, recent days have seen the city fall foul to a nightmarish plague known as the Ashen Blood disease, the source of which remains a mystery. Hunters now stalk the streets in search of beasts as the moon hangs ominously low in Yharnam's sky, while a single citizen searches for answers.
Review- This story is different from the first four volumes, instead of following hunter in more current time, the story takes place before things got out of hand in Yharnam. The Healing Church still thinks that it has control over the beasts and the old blood but doctor Alfredius and Brother Clement both think that something has gone horribly wrong. It is interesting and fun to see Yharnam before the storm with everything already too late. The doctor is trying to stop the plague before it gets too bad and the brother is trying to understand the old blood but if you have played the game then you know how it turns out. The art is excellent without being too dark see what is going on. The volume ends in a cliffhanger with the brother discovering something in the sewers and I am very curious about what he sees.

I give this volume a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this volume from my local library’s Hoolpa service.

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