Friday, June 21, 2019

Bloodborne Issue #6


Today's post is on Bloodborne Issue #6 by Ales Kot, illustrated by Piotr Kowalski and Brad Simpson. It is 30 pages long and is published by Titan Comics. The cover has the Cleric Beast on it. The intended reader is someone who has read the first issues, likes horror and dark stories. There is no foul language, no sex, but there is violence in this issue. The story is told from third person close of the two main characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

Blurb- The city of Yharnam: an ancient, gothic metropolis and home to the Healing Church. Founded by Laurence, the first vicar, the church has become renowned for its miraculous blood-based curatives, attracting the sick and afflicted to Yharnam from far and wide. However, recent days have seen the city fall foul to a nightmarish plague known as the Ashen Blood disease, the source of which remains a mystery. Hunters now stalk the streets in search of beasts as the moon hangs ominously low in Yharnam's sky, while two unlikely citizens search for answers.

Review- The story picks up right the previous volume left off with the two main characters meeting for the first time. Together they share information and decide to work together to discover what is really going on and what, if anything, they can do about it. I like seeing what happened in Yharnam before the plague destroyed everything and get to see what was done to try and stop it; which is not much. The art is solid, the story is drawing, and the characters are interesting. I am looking forward to the next volume and see what is going to happen next and how soon the end is coming.

I give this volume a Four of Five stars. I get nothing for review and I borrowed this comic from my local library's Hoopla service.

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