Monday, March 12, 2018

Claymore volume 13: The Defiant Ones

Today's post is on Claymore volume 13: The Defiant Ones by Norihiro Yagi. It is the thirteenth the long running Claymore series, you need to have read the first twelve volumes to understand the story. It is 192 pages long and is published by Shonen Jump Advanced. The cover has Clare carrying another Claymore as she is dodging an Awakening One. The intended reader is someone who likes dark plots, high action, and strong female characters. There is mild foul language, no sexuality, and lots of violence in this book. The story is told from third person close of the main character. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

Review- Audrey and Rachel continue their battle against Riful of the West, and Clare learns some surprising truths about Priscilla, Isley and the struggle for power amongst the Three Great Awakened Ones. Meanwhile, the Organization decides to send Miata and Clarice out on an important mission, but will Clarice to able to keep her unstable young charge in line?

Review- We pick up where the last volume left off with two new Claymores fighting Riful and they are losing but do not know it yet. Luckily for them Clare and her comrades do know it and they are not going to let them get killed. Riful is willing to talk to Clare and give her information but Riful is looking for Claymores who can sense Yoma energy and Riful wants Clare to join her in fighting Isley and maybe take over the world. The very powerful but childlike Claymore Miata is something else entirely, she is so powerful but her mind is totally gone. Clarice has a lot on her hands working to keep Miata calm when she is not fighting Awakened Ones. I am not sure how the two story lines are going to merge and I am very curious about what the Organization is really getting at with these odd Claymores but I will find out soon enough.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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