Monday, October 23, 2017

Claymore volume 3: Teresa of the Faint Smile


Today's post is on Claymore volume 3: Teresa of the Faint Smile by Norihiro Yagi. It is the third in the long running Claymore series, you need to have read the two volumes to understand the story. It is 191 pages long and is published by Shonen Jump Advanced. The cover is a close up of an important secondary character Teresa. The intended reader is someone who likes dark plots, high action, and strong female characters. There is mild foul language, implied sexuality and an almost rape, and lots of violence in this book. The story is told from third person close of the main character. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Clare's first battle with the Yoma of Rabona cathedral has left her body drained and shattered. With no time to recover, she must face the creature again after it chooses Raki as its next victim. Luckily, Raki remembers that he is carrying Clare's trusted broadsword and manages to get it into her hands. But unlike Clare, the Yoma is fighting at full strength and thirsting for blood...

Review- We finish the story about the Yoma in the cathedral and it is a very fast paced battle but most of the volume is about Clare's past and a woman named Teresa of the Faint Smile. Clare was used by a Yoma as some kind of toy, it is not clear what the Yoma did to her other than beat her and hide behind her. So Clare has some in common with Raki and that explains her attachment to him. Teresa is an incredible Claymore, she can find Yoma's very easily, and she kills them without much of a fight. But humans are the real bad guys in this arc so far. Bandits try to rape Teresa but whatever was done to her to make her a Claymore has made her body not as beautiful as they were hoping. But she cuts off the hand of one of the bandits he has sworn revenge. It is nice seeing more of what drives Clare. Her backstory is sad and I know that this is not going to end well for anyone. But how many bodies will there be in the end, I am not sure.

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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