Monday, April 21, 2014

The Scandalous Duke Takes a Bride


Today’s post is on The Scandalous Duke Takes a Bride by Tiffany Clare. It is the third in her Dangerous Rogues series but you do not have to have read the previous ones to enjoy this story. The cover has the main characters in a passionate embrace with the title and author name in white. The story is told from third person close of the two main characters moving from chapter to chapter. There is sex, language, and talk domestic violence; so 18 and up just to be safe. The intended reader is someone who likes historical romance. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Friends and Lovers…
As a wealthy young widow, Lady Jessica Heyer must endure the closest of scrutiny and most wicked of rumors from society gossips. Their whispers would be utterly unbearable if it weren’t for her oldest friend, the Duke of Alsborough. Jessica knows she can always count on Hayden. What she never could have expected, however, is that he is deeply, madly in love with her…
To have and To hold.
For years, Hayden has kept his longing for his beautiful friend Jessica a secret. But now that she’s finally free to remarry, will she be willing to take their relationship to a more intimate level? He’ll get his answer soon- at a glittering masquerade, where identities are hidden, hearts are open, and true love is unmasked… in a single, shameless act of passion.

Review- This was a fun and sweet historical romance. It had drama, secrets, and just the right amount of sexy. I love stories where friends are secretly in love with each other so this was just up my alley. Warning there are two sex scenes in this book but are late in the book and can be skipped if you do not want to read them. The romance is good enough as is. Clare makes believable characters. Jessica and Hayden were interesting and fun characters that I really believed were in love. Clare also makes the reason that Jessica does not want to marry Hayden very understandable. He has been one of the only people that she could count on no matter what. So when Hayden starts pursuing Jessica it scares her. All she can think about is what if she losses her best friend. One problem I have with the blurb is the masquerade is not very important to the overall story. It happens in two chapters then they move on. My other problem is Hayden is not scandalous; at all. It is even talked about in the book that he is only one of the group of friends that has sense and does not cause trouble. But that is my only problem with the blurb and the book. I enjoyed reading it.

I give this book a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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