Friday, February 23, 2024

Sister, Maiden, Monster

Today's fiction post is on Sister, Maiden, Monster by Lucy A. Snyder. It is 265 pages long and is published by Tor Nightfire. The cover has a ball with wings and tentacles coming from it. There intended reader is someone who likes cosmic horror. There is foul language, sex, and violence in this novel. The story is told from first person in three section with three different narrators. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the novel- To survive they must evolve.
A virus tears across the globe, transforming its victims in nightmarish ways. As the world collapses, dark forces pull a small group of women together.
Erin, once quiet and closeted, acquires an appetite for a woman and her brain. Why does forbidden fruit taste so good?
Savannah, a professional BDSM switch, discovers a new turn-on: committing brutal murders for her eldritch masters.
Mareva, plagued with chronic tumors, is too horrified to acknowledge her divine role in the coming apocalypse, and as her growths multiply, so too does her desperation.

Review- This is a very interesting, well-written, and odd novel that is NOT for everyone. The world is ending, it starts with a virus, that kills most infected, and the ones who survive are changed. Now the survivors either hear things or are hungry for very different food, like brains or blood. So begins the most unusual end of the world story I have ever read. There is so much to talk about with this novel. The writing style is very good. Snyder handles the three different points of view very well, the reader is never lost about who is talking. While I did enjoy this novel, this is NOT for everyone. There are disturbing scenes from the characters realizing how changed they are to their bodies changing again at the end of the world. While not for everyone, this was is a good and interesting novel. 

I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this novel from my local library. 

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