Friday, November 3, 2023

Star Wars: Thrawn

Today's post is on Star Wars: Thrawn by Jody Houser (Writer), Luke Ross (Illustrator), Paul Renaud (Cover Art). It is 152 pages long and is published by Marvel. The intended reader is someone who enjoys Star Wars and wants more. There is no foul language, no sex, and action violence in this graphic novel. The story is told from third person close mostly of Thrawn. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- The fan-favorite Imperial Grand Admiral gets the Marvel Comics treatment!
He's one of the most cunning and ruthless warriors in the history of Star Wars! Now, discover how Grand Admiral Thrawn became one of the most feared military tacticians in a galaxy far, far away. Jody Houser and Luke Ross adapt Timothy Zahn's New York Times best-selling novel about Thrawn's rise through the Imperial ranks!
Meet young Lieutenant Thrawn, who graduated the Imperial Academy with the highest marks possible. He's been assigned his own personal assistant, Ensign Eli Vanto, and is ascending quickly - but that doesn't mean everyone in the Imperial Navy wants him to succeed. And Thrawn isn't the Empire's only rising star - so is Arihnda Pryce. The two rivals' paths will cross, and tensions will run high, when they discover a dark secret within the Empire.

Review- This is a re-telling of the origins of Thrawn, one of the best characters in the extended universe of Star Wars. This starts from the beginning of Thrawn joining the Empire to his ascendancy as Grand Admiral. The reader sees the racism that Thrawn deals with, his genius, and his will to complete his tasks. He is basically Sherlock Holmes in Star Wars and working for the Empire. Thrawn has his reasons for everything he does and we get to see and understand what his aims are. A great introduction to a favorite character and I hope that more is written on Thrawn. 

I give this graphic novel a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this graphic novel from my local library.

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