Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Today's nonfiction book is on Homicide by Philippe Squarzoni (Adapter/Illustrator), David Simon. It is 320 pages long and is published by First Second. The cover is grey with yellow accents. The intended reader is someone is who interested in classic true crime and likes graphic novels. There is foul language, no sex, and discussion of violence in this graphic novel. The story is from told third person perspective. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the dust jacket- Homicide, the celebrated true crime-book from the creator of HBO's The Wire, is re-envisioned in this first volume of a gritty, cinematic graphic novel duology.
In 1988, journalist David Simon was given unprecedented access to the Baltimore Police Department’s homicide unit. Over the next twelve months, he shadowed detectives as they took on a slew of killings in a city where killings were common. Only the most heinous cases stood out–chief amongst them, the rape and murder of eleven-year-old Latonya Wallace.
Originally published in 1991, Simon’s Homicide became the basis for the acclaimed television show Homicide: Life on the Street and inspired HBO’s The Wire. Now, this true-crime classic is reimagined as a gritty two-part graphic novel series.

Review- A great introduction to a classic true crime book. Homicide was a ground breaking book and then a ground breaking television show. I have been a fan of the show for over twenty years but I have never gotten around to reading the original book. So when the graphic novel came out, I knew I had to get my hands on it and it was a great read. The style of the art is very traditional with muted greys, browns, whites, and blacks. So when a more intense color, like red for blood, is on the page, it stands out even more. The narration style is very unique, there is little dialog more back narration, like someone read over your shoulder, talking about what is happening and other information. I liked the style, it made it feel like I was reading the original book. I cannot wait to get my hands on the second volume and I would like to see more nonfiction books get this treatment. 

I give this graphic novel a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this graphic novel from my local library. 

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