Friday, March 3, 2023


Today's post is on Echo by Thomas Olde Heuvelt. It is 401 pages long and is published by Nightfire. The cover is green with a man off center and he has birds coming from his face. The intended reader is someone who likes horror stories. There is sex and sexuality, foul language, and mild violence in this novel. The story is told from first person perspective of the main characters, Sam and Nick. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the dust jacket- NATURE IS CALLING—but they shouldn't have answered.
Travel journalist and mountaineer Nick Grevers awakes from a coma to find that his climbing buddy, Augustin, is missing and presumed dead. Nick’s own injuries are as extensive as they are horrifying. His face wrapped in bandages and unable to speak, Nick claims amnesia—but he remembers everything.
He remembers how he and Augustin were mysteriously drawn to the Maudit, a remote and scarcely documented peak in the Swiss Alps.
He remembers how the slopes of Maudit were eerily quiet, and how, when they entered its valley, they got the ominous sense that they were not alone.
He remembers: something was waiting for them...
But it isn’t just the memory of the accident that haunts Nick. Something has awakened inside of him, something that endangers the lives of everyone around him…
It’s one thing to lose your life. It’s another to lose your soul.

Review- An intense and riveting horror novel about realizing your place on the earth. The story starts towards the end of the novel with Sam's sister Julia and something from the mountain that has come for her. The opening sets the tone for the novel and it is very intense. Then the story jumps back to Sam learning that Nick had been an accident up on the mountain named Maudit. But Nick shouldn't have been near the Maudit and what happened to his climbing partner? This horror novel is very unique, from the plot to the pacing, I enjoyed it very much. The mystery of what happened up on the mountain and what the mountain itself it was very interesting and I was pulled through this novel very quickly. If you are looking for nature horror, then you need to read this novel. 

I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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