Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Banned Books: The World's Most Controversial Books, Past and Present

Today's nonfiction post is on Banned Books: The World's Most Controversial Books, Past and Present. It is 192 pages long and is published by DK Publishing. The cover is blue with a pile of books chained up in the center. The intended reader is someone who likes history and literature. There is some foul language, discussion of sex and sexuality, and discussion of violence in this book. There Be Spoilers Ahead. 

From the back of the book- Which novel is claimed to have inspired an assassination? Why were Grimm's Fairy Tales once banned in German schools? Which book  about censorship has routinely fallen afoul of the censors? Banned Books brings together some of the world's most controversial written works, from Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary to J>D> Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye. Shocking, scandalous, offensive, and often surprising, these books offer a fascinating insight into censorship, culture, society, and politics. 

Review- An interesting look into banned books from around the world and why the books were banned. Each book is given at least a page to cover the basic plot and the controversy around it. The writing in this book takes a back sit to the books covered themselves. The point of this book is to educate the curious about the banned books and to encourage the reader to try one of the banned books for themselves and to make up their own minds. There is art accompanying the short essays and it adds a very nice touch to the book. I do recommend this book for everyone who wants to know what's the big deal?

I give this book a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library. 

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