Friday, March 4, 2022

Teen Titans: Beast Boy loves Raven

Today’s nonfiction post is on Teen Titans: Beast Boy loves Raven by Kami Garcia and Gabriel Picolo. It is 208 pages long and is published by DC Ink. As it is the third in the DC Ink series you need to have read the first two volumes to understand the story. The cover is a picture of Gar and Raven on it. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this book. The intended reader is someone who likes DC characters and their origins. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- It seems like years, but it’s only been a few days since Raven Roth recovered her memories, trapped her demon father, Trigon, into her amulet, and had her heart broken for the first time. But she doesn’t have time to think about the past…she has to focus on finding a way to get rid of Trigon for good.
Garfield Logan still can’t believe he has powers that allow him to change into different animals, but the price of knowing that his parents kept this secret hidden from him just feels too high. And what’s more, his difficulty controlling these abilities could have unexpected consequences.
Both are seeking answers from the one person who seems to have them all figured out: Slade Wilson.
When their paths converge in Nashville, Raven and Gar can’t help but feel a connection, despite the secrets they both try to hide. It will take a great amount of trust and courage to overcome the wounds of their pasts. But can they find acceptance for the darkest part of themselves? Or maybe even love?

Review- Continuing the adventures from the previous books Gar and Raven are off to meet a mystery man, Slade, who says that he can help them with their problems. They meet by chance and spend some time together and being teenagers, they get crushes quickly. Then the plot comes back and they are kidnapped by the bad guys who want their powers for themselves and the ‘greater good’. Plus we meet Damien Wayne and he is a spicy boy and I like him. I am very curious about what the overall plot is and I have to wait until next year before the next volume comes out for more story. I do like this series and I want to read more but man that wait is going to kill me. 

I give this book a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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