Friday, April 17, 2020

The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Vol. 7: I've Been Waiting for a Squirrel Like You


Today's post is on The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl, Vol. 7: I've Been Waiting for a Squirrel Like You by by Ryan North (Text),  Erica Henderson (Illustrations). The cover is Coreen, Nancy, and Kraven the Hunter in the Savage Lands. The intended reader is someone who has read some Squirrel Girl comics so you have some idea about characters and how Squirrel Girl comics work. There is no foul language, no sex or sexuality, and mild violence in this comic. The story is told from third person close of the main characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Squirrel Girl goes savage! When Doreen Green and Nancy Whitehead enter a mysterious programming competition, they don't suspect that the prize for winners will be an all-expenses-paid trip to...the Savage Land! Will Squirrel Girl fight a dinosaur? Will Squirrel Girl fight two dinosaurs?! Will we come up with really excellent reasons why these fights would take place, reasons that both justify the fights while also telling the story of what lead to this dinosaur-punching smashup: a story which, even though it stars dinosaurs and Squirrel Girls, contains within it the chance for us to recognize, perhaps for the first time, our most personal and secret selves? Of course! Plus, jokes and a super villain who's causing major problems - it's the complete package!

Review- Another great story from Squirrel Girl and Co. Doreen and Nancy get to travel to the Savage Lands and play with the dinosaurs and Dino-Ultron. Doreen has to save them because they are the last dinos on the planet and dinosaurs are the coolest! The main plot is dealing with Dino-Ultron who's memory was wiped from the last battle with Thor. There is some humor with Kraven the Hunter and he is fighting a different guy in some side comics called the the Poachmaster General. Of course Doreen saves the day and she does not kill Dino-Ultron but gives him a chance to be reborn in maybe a better version of himself. This comic continues to be a joy to read and I recommend it highly.

I give this volume a a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this comic from my local library.

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