Friday, October 16, 2020

The Oracle Code

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Today's post is on The Oracle Code by Marieke Nijkamp, Manuel Preitano (Illustrations). It is 208 pages long and is published by DC Comics. The cover has Barbara on it in her wheel chair. The intended reader is someone who is interested in a new telling of Barbara's story and DC Comics. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this graphic novel. The story is told from  third person close of Barbara. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- After a gunshot leaves her paralyzed, Barbara Gordon enters the Arkham Center for Independence, where Gotham's teens undergo physical and mental rehabilitation. Now using a wheelchair, Barbara must adapt to a new normal, but she cannot shake the feeling that something is dangerously amiss. Within these walls, strange sounds escape at night; patients go missing; and Barbara begins to put together pieces of what she believes to be a larger puzzle.
But is this suspicion simply a result of her trauma? Fellow patients try to connect with Barbara, but she pushes them away, and she'd rather spend time with ghost stories than participate in her daily exercises. Even Barbara's owan judgment is in question.
In The Oracle Code, universal truths cannot be escaped, and Barbara Gordon must battle the phantoms of her past before they swarm her future.

Review- An excellent reinvention of Barbara Gordon becoming Oracle. Barbara is shot as the very beginning of this story and the rest is really about her coming to terms with what happened and rediscovering herself. When she starts, Barbara does not want to be at Arkham Center for Independence and she does not want to make new friends. But the longer she is there, the more she realizes that something is very wrong. Barbara has to re-find her inner hero to save the children that are missing and stop the bad guys. We get to see Barbara struggle with her new life, making new friends, and helping her old friends come to terms with her new life too. I really enjoyed this graphic novel, I liked seeing Barbara face the new challenges for her life, and overcome them. I hope that more comics are made following her into her role as Oracle for the Bat-family.

I give this graphic novel a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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