Friday, August 16, 2019

The Prince and The Dressmaker


Today’s post is on The Prince and The Dressmaker by Jen Wang. It is 277 pages long and is published by First Second Press. The cover is pink with the main characters on it. The intended reader is someone who likes comic books and stories about being true to yourself. There is no foul language, no sex, and no violence in this comic. The story is told from third person close of the main characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Prince Sebastian is looking for a bride- or rather, his parents are looking for one for him. Sebastian is too busy hiding his secret life from everyone. At night he puts on daring dresses and takes Paris by storm as the fabulous Lady Crystallia- the hottest fashion icon in the world capital of fashion!
Sebastian’s secret weapon is his brilliant dressmaker, Frances- his best friend and one of only two people who know the truth: sometimes this boy wears dresses. But Frances dreams of greatness, and being someone’s secret weapon mean being a secret. Forever. How long can Frances defer her dreams to protect to her friend?

Review- An interesting story about being honest with yourself and those around you. Sebastian is gender fluid and wants to be able to express himself in all ways. He discovers Frances when she makes a dress for another noble girl and is going to be fired because of it. Frances then makes dresses for Sebastian, as Lady Crystallia, and makes the Lady shine. Of course things get more complicated as time goes on and Sebastian wants to have it all even at the cost of Frances’ dreams. Overall the story is very well done with interesting characters and honest feeling about what is going on. The ending jumps the shark in my opinion with Sebastian’s father and the fashion show but that was my only complaint with the story. The art was good and I am interested in what the author Jen Wang is doing to do next.

I give this comic book a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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