Monday, August 26, 2019

Alichino, volume 2


Today's post is on Alichino, volume 2 by Kouyu Shurei. It is the second in her Alichino series. It is 143 pages long and was published by Tokyopop. The cover is a beautiful illustration of the cast. The intended reader is someone who likes beautiful manga and mysterious plots. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this manga. The story is told from third person close of the main character Tsugiri. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Beautiful creatures called Alichino grow strong by eating the souls of humans. However, the Alichino's dominance\over humans may be at its end with Tsugiri, a quiet young man with the power to destroy their race. But the battle is just beginning- a mysterious  woman named Matsurika makes an appearance at Tsugiri's home, and she threatens to kill those close to him unless she gets what she wants!

Review- The plot picks up in this volume with Tsugiri learning more about what he is and what that means to Alichino. He can kill them but if an Alichino eats him the Alichino will become even more powerful. So he goes on a journey to discover more about himself and the world. The first place he comes to is ruled by an Alichino and the Alichino does protect the city and its humans but at the price of their souls. It is not clear where we are going in this story but I like it and the art is so beautiful. The plot is moving very slowly with not much being given to the reader about what Tsugiri really is, is he human or something else. What are the Alichino other than predators? Do they have some great goal or are they loner hunters? So many questions about this world but only more volume and I am not sure at all how the story is going to wrap up.

I give this manga a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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