Monday, October 15, 2018

Claymore volume 22: Claws and Fangs of the Abyss


Today's post is on Claymore volume 22: Claws and Fangs of the Abyss by Norihiro Yagi. It is the twentieth-second the long running Claymore series, you need to have read the first twenty-one volumes to understand the story. It is 191 pages long and is published by Shonen Jump Advanced. The cover is an Awakened One on it. The intended reader is someone who likes dark plots, high action, and strong female characters. There is mild foul language, no sexuality, and lots of violence in this book. The story is told from third person close of the main character. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Rebel Claymores, the Organization that created them, and a host of reanimated top-level warriors clash with savage intensity. The Claymores' demonic impulses are provoked, threatening to destroy their human consciousnesses. Meanwhile, Hysteria, animated by blind vengeance, grows stronger with each attack against her. Is it possible that the rebels will be defeated by their long-dead comrades?

Review- The fights from the previous volume are finished in this one and it ends with a little hinting at what is going where Clare is. Miria comes very close to losing her mind to stop the most powerful of the re-awakened ones but she is stopped and saved by the other Claymores. Really nothing much plot-wise happens in this volume, just fighting, having a ghost of Priscilla appears to scare everyone, then Raki shows up with the younger Claymores. That is the whole volume. I want to get back to Clare and whatever is going on with her and Priscilla. I like seeing the other Claymores be cool but I'm here for Clare and her story. I still think that Raki does nothing for the story and I do not even like him as a plot device. But the fight scenes were good. I hope that we get back to Clare and her story.

I give this volume a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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