Friday, February 27, 2015

And Then There Were None


Today's post is on And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It is a stand alone novel. It is 264 pages long. The cover has the island shrouded in mist with the title and author's name. The intended reader is someone who likes mysteries, no winners, and good writing. The story is told from the third person close of the main characters. There is no sex, some mild language, and violence in this novel. Teenagers and older should enjoy this novel with no problem. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the dust jacket- Ten people are invited to a lonely mansion on an island, off the coast of Devon, by a host who unfortunately fails to appear... when people of whom it can truthfully be said that each one had something out of the past to hide, something perhaps of which to be ashamed. Even on that glorious summer evening of their arrival there seemed something sinister about the island, but not one could anticipate the adventure in which each and all were to be involved. A odd business... a very odd business.. a diabolically clever business, devised by that incomparable writer of detective stories- Agatha Christie.

Review- This was a very unique story by Christie. The murderer is very clever and like every Christie villain I do not feel sorry for him. I also do not feel very sorry for the victims either. The plot is very interesting. The murderer wants to get those who killed but in a way that law could not get them or even see that they had killed at all. The story is fast paced. The whole novel lasts three days and four nights. The ending was very good. The killer ends the story by writing a letter and tossing it into the sea; if the fates wanted it to be found it would be. The strongest part of the story is the characterization. I believed in this people. I believed that they had killed, some without intent, others with it. I did not discover who the murderer was until the letter. Christie out did herself on this one.

I give this book a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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