Monday, December 23, 2013

The Monstrumologist: The Final Descent


Today’s post is on The Monstrumologist: The Final Descent by Rick Yancey. It is the last volume in the Monstromologist series and is 310 pages long. The cover has the night sky with a city on it and crows; the title is in white and the author’s name in gray. The intended reader is older young adult and adult like the others in the series. There is language, some talk of sex but nothing on the page but the violence can be very intense so beware of that. It is told from Will Henry’s first person perspective. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the dust jacket- Will Henry has been through more than seems possible for a boy of fourteen. He’s been on the brink of death on more than one occasion, and has gazed into hell- and hell has stared back at him, and knows his face. But through it all Dr. Warthrop has been at side.
When Dr. Warthrop fears that Will’s loyalties may be shifting, he turns on Will with a fury, determined to reclaim his young apprentice’s devotion. And so Will must face one of the most horrific creatures of his monstrumology career- and he must face it alone.
Over the course of one day, Will’s life- and Pellinore Warthrop’s destiny- will lie in the balance. In the terrifying depths of the Monstrmatium, the young man will face a monster more terrible than any he could have imagined- and their fates will be decided.

Review- I have loved this series. I know that Yancey had hit big with his 5th Wave book and that is in my library book pile but the Monstrumologist series has not gotten the love and fame it truly deserves. I was afraid because this volume is much thinner than the others in the series but Yancey does not fail. He gives a good conclusion to an intense series and he leaves himself some room to write more if he wants to. I hope he does. The thing that keeps this book going is not the weird monster or how Will Henry is going to save himself and Warthrop but what finally made Will Henry cut all ties with Warthrop. Yancey handles this very well especially with some of the fancy writing that is going on. There are time jumps going on but Yancey gives them to the reader excellently. I was never confused about what time I was in. Within one sentence I knew when I was and maybe because I read this book in about three days I was never lost. The darkness that Will Henry has to contend with the darkness in his heart. If you are looking for a happy ending this book and series is not for you. But if you want an insightful look into the inhuman and all too human heart then this will not disappoint.

I give this book a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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