Friday, January 3, 2025

Ten Ways to Get Dumped by a Tyrant, Vol 4

Today’s post is on Ten Ways to Get Dumped by a Tyrant, Vol 4 by Seo Gwijo. It is 348 pages long and is published by Editio. The cover has Cheryl Diel on it. As it is the fourth volume in the series, you need to have read the first three to understand the story. The intended reader is someone who likes humorous fantasy stories. There is mild foul language, no sex, and mild action violence in this novel. The story is told mostly from first person of Scarlet but it does change perspectives as needed. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Can they vanquish this evil once and for all?
Join Charlemagne and Scarlett as they embark on a perilous journey through the mystical Diel territory, unraveling secrets and uncovering the enigmatic nature of the so-called female lead.
With the fate of the three great houses hanging in the balance, our heroes must forge an unbreakable alliance to confront the formidable dark wizard.
Will they succeed or will darkness prevail? Find out in the series finale of Ten Ways to Get Dumped by a Tyrant.
Review- A fun end to a fun series. Scarlett and Charlemagne work out their problems and have their happily ever after. There is less silliness in this final volume but that’s okay as the rest of the series makes up for it. Scarlett is still over the top and Charlemagne still scares the daylights out of everyone. The big bad is a god who wanted to be the only god and Cheryl dies for him. It was very pitiable death for a villain but that’s what happens when you worship an evil god. The last hundred or so pages are a short story following some of the side characters and tying up their storylines. I did enjoy this series, it was fun, silly, and very cute. I would recommend it if you like that.
I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this novel from my local library.

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