Monday, September 25, 2023

Queen's Quality, vol 4

Today's post is in Queen's Quality, vol 4 by Kyousuke Motomi. It is 200 pages long and is published by Shojo Beat. The cover has Fumi on it in a crown with the queen of hearts card in her hand. As it is both the fourth volume in a series and the second series following these characters, you need to have read the previous volumes to understand the story. The intended reader is someone who likes urban fantasy, shojo manga, and magical girls. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this manga. The story is told from third person close of Fumi and Kyutaro. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Bug handler Ataru offers Kyutaro a deal- he'll reveal everything about Fumi's past if Kyutaro will do what he asks in exchange. Although Kyutaro knows this must be a trap, he goes to see Ataru... what devastating effect will Ataru's evil plan have on Kyutaro and Fumi?

Review- This is just the start and Kyutaro is never fooled by Ataru. In fact the plan is try and clean out his heart, so that Ataru can be saved from his madness. Ataru is being controlled by the real bad guys and he does not even know Fumi, he is making Fumi take another's place in his mind. But that is also part of the bad guys plans, they want Fumi and Kyutaro to try and cleanse Ataru and that is where the volume ends. This world is very interesting and I enjoy how Motomi is revealing it to the reader. She does not overwhelm the reader will all the details and magic at once but gives the information bit by bit, so that the reader learns as Fumi does. I look forward to the next volume. 

I give this volume a Four out of Five stats. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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