Monday, August 28, 2023

Queen's Quality, Vol. 4 by Kyousuke Motomi

Today's manga post is on Queen's Quality, Vol. 4 by Kyousuke Motomi. It is 200 pages long and is published by Shojo Beat. The cover has Fumi holding a queen of hearts card with chains around her. As it is the fourth in the second series, following this characters, you need to have QQ Sweeper and the first three volumes of Queen's Quality to understand the story. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this series. The story closely follows Fumi and Kyutaro the main characters. There Be Spoilers Ahead. 

From the back of the book- Bug handler Ataru offers Kyutaro a deal- he'll reveal everything about Fumi's past if Kyutaro will do what he asks in exchange. Although Kyutaro knows this must be a trap, he goes to see Ataru...
What devastating effect will Ataru's evil plot have on Kyutaro and Fumi?

Review- The blurb is just the first part of the story and Kyutaro is smarter than Ataru realizes. So most of the volume is trying to help Ataru and discover what is really going on with him. He is convinced that he and Fumi share a past and have made promises to each other. But Fumi does not know him and she pushed him to remember who he really made those promises with. The manga continues to be a very enjoyable read, the art is good, and the characters are still the best part of the series. I want Fumi to start to remember her past and what really happened to her. 

I give this manga a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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