Monday, June 12, 2023

Villains are Destined to Die, Vol 3

Today's manga post is on Villains are Destined to Die, Vol 3 by Gyeoeul Gwon and SUOL (Illustrator). It is 288 pages long and is published by Ize Press. The cover has Penelope and her brother Reynold on it. As it is the third in the series, you need to have read the two volumes to understand the story. There is no mild foul language, no sex, and some action violence in this manga. The intended reader is someone who likes isekai stories, intense plots, and gorgeous artwork. The story is told from third person close of Penelope. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the manga- "I don't want to live like this either, only every being despised."
Life is hard mode for "villain" Penelope Eckhart means with every step forward, she's shoved five steps back. Just when things seem to be stabilizing between her and the brothers, she finds herself coming to blows with Reynold, who insists on dredging up the past- an affront to Penelope refuses to take lying down. To make matters worse, she's forced to attend the hunting tournament hosted by the crown prince- and Callisto + weapons + a recipe for DANGER!

Review- This volume is just great! Penelope has some great character growth and her brother Reynold does too. They have it out about what he did to her years ago and why he framed her for stealing. Penelope pulls from her life before to explain why the child Penelope would do or say things she did. Reynold is forced to face himself and his childish behavior. The manga just has it all, drama, humor, action, and of course the most gorgeous art. In the end of the volume Prince Callisto is back and I just love him. I am very excited for the next volume and more of everything!

I give this volume a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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