Friday, July 15, 2022

Minority Report


Today's post is on Minority Report by Philip K. Dick. It is 38 pages long and is published by Patheon Books. The intended reader is someone who is interesting in classic sci-fi and classic dystopian fiction. There is no foul language, no sex, and no violence in this story. The story is told from third person perspective. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

Blurb- In the world of The Minority Report, Commissioner John Anderton is the one to thank for the lack of crime. He is the originator of the Precrime System, which uses precogs—people with the power to see into the future—to identify criminals before they can do any harm. Unfortunately for Anderton, his precogs perceive him as the next criminal.

Review- An interesting short story about what a world where you could stop a crime from even happening and what if there was a chance that the crime would never have happened anyway. John Anderton has stopped all murders by using precogs, mutant children who can see the future in parts, and boom no more murders. But then his name comes down as a murderer and he has to prove that he would do that. Then the story becomes very political but still interesting. I don't feel that there is any real answers about weather the precogs are right or not. But don't let that stop you from reading this story, it is a classic for a reason. 

I give this short story a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from library. 

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