Monday, December 20, 2021

Frau Faust, Vol. 2

Today’s post is on Frau Faust, Vol. 2 by Kore Yamazaki. 160 pages long and is published by Kodansha Comics. The cover has Faust, Marion, and Mephisto on it. As it is the second volume in the series you need to have read the first volume to understand the story. There is no foul language, no sex, and mild violence in this manga. The intended reader is someone who likes fairy tale retellings and adventure manga. The story is told from third person close of mostly Faust but other characters as needed. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- Personal Demons

After narrowly escaping a battle with Lorenzo, Johanna falls unconscious. In her wounded state, the century- old memories of her first contract with Mephistopheles runs through her head. In these memories are answers Marion is beginning to understand: what is the nature of his master’s immortality, and how is her curse inextricably tied to the body of her demon? Faust, Marion, and Nico’s immediate aim is to find Mephisto’s right led, a mission that becomes more urgent when evidence of a young girl using demonic power comes to light. To find the next piece of her precious demon, Johanna may even need to form a tenuous deal with Lorenzo…

Review- A good second volume. Faust dreams about her past when she met Mephistopheles for the first time and all the times after until they made a contract. We get to see what drives her and how that has changed her. There is much we don't know yet but the journey is great and I like the characters. The world is becoming more complicated than the church characters would like but it is good to see them confront what lies they have been told and to see Faust overcome what stands before her. The child eating the demon blood is not the one who is the bad guy but it will be interesting to see how everything comes to light. 

I give this volume a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this manga with my own money.

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