Friday, May 3, 2019

Not Your Villain


Today’s post is on Not Your Villain by C.B. Lee. It is the second in her Sidekick Squad series and you need to have read the first one. It is 303 pages long and is published by Duet Press. The cover is green with the main character Bells on it being daring, a scene from the book. The intended reader is someone who has read the first book, likes superheroes, and dystopian futures. There is no sex, very mild foul language, and mild violence in this book. The story is told from third person close of Bells, the main character. There Be Spoilers Ahead.
From the back of the book- Bells Broussard thought he had it made when his superpowers manifested early. Being a shapeshifter is awesome. He can change his hair whenever he wants, and if putting on a binder for the day is too much, he’s got it covered. But that was before he became the country’s most-wanted villain.
After discovering a massive cover-up by the Heroes’ League of Heroes, Bells and his friends Jess, Emma, and Abby set off on a secret mission to find the Resistance. Meanwhile, power-hungry former hero Captain Orion is on the loose with a dangerous serum that renders meta-humans powerless, and a new militarized robotic threat emerges. Everyone is in danger. Between college applications and crushing on his best friend, will Bells have time to take down a corrupt government?
Sometimes, to do a hero’s job, you need to be a villain.
Review- This novel starts before the beginning of Not your Sidekick with Bells going away for summer hero training then quickly catches up with the timeline of the first one. Bells gets set up as a new villain when Captain Orion’s experiments are brought to the light and the last part of the novel is about trying to find a way to deal with that and Bells trying to tell Emma that he loves her. Lee has a more than just characters of color, she also has LBGT characters with Bells being trans. That is a part of the story but Bells is more than just being trans. He is a very powerful shapeshifter maybe the most powerful in the story. He is a loving son and brother. He is smart and wants to make a difference in his world. Lee is creating a very positive world for teens who are not cisgendered or straight but those kids can still have a lot of fun with in this superhero world. I am looking forward to the third book in the series.

I give this book a Five out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library.

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