Friday, January 20, 2023

The Woods

Today's post is on The Woods by Vanessa Savage. It is 370pages long and is published by Grand Central Published. The cover is white with the title in red and trees in the title words. The intended reader is someone who likes mysteries with a strong thriller vibe. There is some foul language, implied sex, and some mild violence in this novel. The story is told from first person close of the main character, Tess. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- There's a lot from Tess's childhood that she she would rather forget. The family who moved next door and brought chaos to their quiet lives. The two girls who murdered, their killer never found. But the only thing she can't remember is the one thing she wishes she could.
Ten years ago, Tess's older sister died in what was ruled a tragic accident. The only witness was Tess herself, but she has never been able to remember what happened that night in the woods.
Now living in London, Tess has resolved to put the trauma behind her. But an emergency call from her father forces her back to the family, back to where sister's body was found, and to the memories she thought were lost forever...

Review- This is a very tightly written mystery with a strong thriller vibe to give little chills as the plot goes. Tess is a teacher in London but she haunted by her past and it coming for her. When her father calls that her stepmother is dying and she needs to come back, Tess begins to spiral out of control and maybe out of her mind. I had a good time with this novel, Tess is a good main character, she is struggling with her past, present, and future but she is trying to make a life for herself. in addition old pains and pleasures are all around her in her home and village. When a body is discovered things start to fall into place for her and the answers are harsh but in the end Tess has to face them. The writing the solid, Savage knows how to plot a mystery and she adds just enough thriller to make this stand out from the run in the mill amnesia thriller plots. I will read more of this author and if you like mystery-thriller, then you should give this novel a try.

I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this novel from my local library.

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