Friday, September 2, 2022

Vampire Hunter D: Tale of the Dead Town


Today's post is on Vampire Hunter D: Tale of the Dead Town by Hideyuki Kikuchi and art by Yoshitaka Amano. It is 167 pages long and is published by Dark Horse Published. The cover is a close up illustration of D. The intended reader is someone who likes dystopian, horror novels. As it is the fourth novel in the series, it would be helpful to have read the first three novels for context. There is some mild foul language, mild sexuality, and violence in this novel. The story is told from third person god perspective. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the back of the book- When vampires attack a floating city, only one man can save paradise.
The City, a tiny metropolis of a new hundred sheltered citizens floating serenely on a seemingly random course a few feet above the ground, has long been thought safe from the predation of marauding monsters. It seems like a paradise.
A paradise shattered when an invasion of apparent vampires threatens the small haven. While the Vampire Hunter known only as "D" struggles to exterminate the scourge, a former denizen of the City, the attractive Lori Knight, and the brash John M. Brasselli Pluto VIII seize control of the City, lurching it onto a new and deadly course. D's travails are just beginning.

Review- This is a very fast paced novel with a lot of characters and the reader gets to see a newish side of D, during his interactions with others. It starts with D helping Pluto and Knight fight off some beasts on the frontier. They head to the floating city where somehow a vampire has gotten on board and is feeding on the citizens. This is the first novel that directly references any of the previous novels, the girl from the first novel and what is learn about the Scared Ancestor from the third novel. The plot is more than just find the vampire with all the characters in this novel. From Pluto with his strange body jumping ability to the doctor who has some strange fighting training, there is more than just what the reader has gotten from the previous novels. I hope that future novels are done more in this style. 

I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I bought this novel with my own money.

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