Friday, January 1, 2021

The Good Demon

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Today's book review is on The Good Demon by Jimmy Cajoleas.  it is 306 pages long and is published by amulet books. The cover is an illustration of a tree with a paper Cardinal cut in pieces in between the title. There is mild foul language, discussion of sex and sexuality and mild violence in this novel. The intended reader is someone who is interested in an unusual demonic possession. The story is told from the first-person close of the main character Clare. There Be Spoilers Ahead.

From the dust jacket- “She was my only.”

It wasn't technically an exorcism, what they did to Clare. When the reverend and his son ripped her demon from her, they called it a ‘deliverance’. They didn't understand that Claire and her demon- simply known as Her- were like sisters. She comforted Clare, made her feel brave, helped to ease her loneliness. They were each other's only.
Now, Clare’s only comfort are the three clues that she left behind:

Be nice to him

June 20th
Remember the stories
Clare will do anything to get her back, even if it means teaming up with the Reverend sun and scouring every inch of her small, southern town for answers. But what if she sacrifices everything to bring her demon back, what will be left of Clare?

Review- This is an excellent ya, intro horror novel.  The novel starts after the exorcism happened, we pick up with Claire some weeks afterwards. She is deeply depressed, feels betrayed by her stepfather, who's the one who called the reverend, and is just trying to find a reason to keep on living. When she goes to the local junk shop and finds one of her books there, that she knows she didn't take to be sold there, she realizes that her demon has left her a message. Clare goes on a deep exploration in her small town and realizes that there's more going on there than she ever imagined and she's not the first child to have a demon for a best friend. A wonderful coming-of-age, if a bit darker than normal, about a young woman trying to figure out her place in the world after she loses the only thing that she felt she always would have. Relationships are fairly complex and well-thought-out, demons are suitably both creepy and charismatic at the same time, and Clare is an interesting and engaging protagonist. If you're a fan of demonic possession novels or just looking for an interesting horror ya novel I would recommend you give this one a try. 

I give this novel a Four out of Five stars. I get nothing for my review and I borrowed this book from my local library. 

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